ソーラーハウス (Effizienzhaus) 見学

[:ja]2016 年 2 月 1 日に何人かで Berlin の Fasanenstrasse にあるソーラーハウスを見学する機会がありました.このソーラーハウスは Bundesministerium fürUmwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit によって実験として建てられたものです.プロジェクトは Effizienzhaus Plus mit Elektromobilität と言い,「電気自動車を含む効率的家屋プラス」とでも訳せばいいでしょうか.

このソーラーハウスはドイツでは 35 件建てられたエネルギー効率の高い実験用の通常の家屋の1軒です.それぞれが異なる建築家によるもので,一件一件異なります.ベルリンのものは写真のようにかなりモダンなキューブ形状です.しかし,伝統的なドイツの家のようなものもあります.

Berlin にある Effizienzhaus Plus
Berlin にある Effizienzhaus Plus
Effizienzhaus Plus 内
見学会での説明会 (Effizienzhaus Plus 内)

エネルギーの効率的な家屋,と言っても Plus と名前にあるように,省エネではなく,「年間で作るエネルギーが消費するエネルギー以上になる家」の実験として建てられています.これは電気自動車 1 台を含みます.それぞれの家では,公募で選ばれた家族が1 年住んでエネルギー消費の実験をします.この家にはこれまで 2 家族がそれぞれ 1 年住みました.

この家はソーラーパネルを使って電気を生産し,蓄電池に貯める方式です.この家の建築家は家庭でのエネルギー消費は,主に朝,そして夕方から夜にかけてあり,昼は家族が仕事や学校に行くために下がると予想し,ソーラーパネルを東と西の壁に設置してあります.また,外観 (色) を重視したため,エネルギー変換効率が10% と比較的効率の低いパネルを利用しています.

ドイツでは家屋では暖房でのエネルギー使用が大きいので,窓は 3 重構造の熱を伝えにくいもの,換気には熱交換器,暖房はヒートポンプを利用し,南側と北側は大きなガラスで採光を重視,また,電灯は LED を利用,壁も断熱を重視するなど,様々な省エネの技術を利用しています.また電気エネルギーだけで全てすむようにガスなどは利用されていません.

熱を逃がさない 3 重構造ガラス


様々な最新技術が使われているのに,目標達成には結局「1枚のドア」が足りなかったということは興味深いことでした.やはり,実際に実験する必要があるのです.また,利用者のマインドが省エネをあまり考えずに,少し浪費する傾向があったことです.確かにエネルギーが全部自分の家で生産されるとなると,あまり省エネを考えなくなるかもしれません.しかしそれは社会のマインドとしてどうなのかという新しい問題を提起します.あとは,空気の熱を逃がさないという意味では窓は開けない設計というものもあるそうなのですが,住んだ家族には窓が手動で開けられるということは重要な要素だという結果などもあります.これらの結果は全て online で見ることができます.


私がこの家を見て思ったことは,「こんなボーグキューブみたいな家には住みたくないな」でした.ただ,これはこの家が3年で解体する実験予定だったことや,建築家のデザインによるもので,他の Effizienzhaus Plus には「この家なら住んでみたい」というものもありました.また外観は私の好みではありませんが,内装は良かったと思います.

今回の見学では,技術の成熟が見えてきたことが印象に残りました.この家は既に 2012 年のものですが,ドイツの技術は既に,


です.そして,先にデザインの好みの話をしましたが,私が感じた問題は既に技術的な性能問題ではありません.デザインが重要になってきたということは技術が成熟してきていることを示していると思います.私は 1999 年に 5 色の iMacというコンピュータが登場した時のことを思い出します.私にとって,コンピュータは性能でした.「CPU が Power PC 750 の 266MHz はいいが,メモリが少ないかな.」などと思っていました.しかしその当時,あまりコンピュータになじみのない人達が,「何色の iMac がいい?」と,色の話をしていたことに驚きました.インテリアのデザインの一部としてコンピュータが考えられた時,技術の成熟を感じました.一般に広まる時には,性能はあまり問題ではないのだと驚きでした.


自然エネルギーの他のもの,例えば風力も,風力と見てわかるようなものではまだまだかもしれません.それはオランダの風車のように風景となる方向に進歩するかもしれません.もしかしたら遠くから見たら木のように見える風力発電機ができるかもしれません.垂直軸発電方式など既にある技術がやがて景観を考えたデザインとなる日が来るでしょう.風力発電地域はいつか森のようにしか見えないという時が来るでしょうか.いや,本物の森の木々の中に気がつかないように風力発電機がある,そういう形で技術が成熟していくのかもしれません.発電所は自然がいっぱいある公園であるという未来をふと想像してしまうような家でした.[:en]At February 1st, 2016, some of us visit to a solar house in Berlin, Fasanenstrasse. The minister of Environment, nature protection, construction, and reactor safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit) built the house as an experiment of energy efficient house. The name of project is “Effizienzhaus Plus mit Elektromobilität.” This means efficient house plus with electric mobility.

They built 35 experimental houses in Germany. Each house has own outlook designed by different architect. The house in Berlin is shown in the picture. It has a modern cubic shape. But of course there are houses that outlook is a classic German house, too.

Berlin にある Effizienzhaus Plus
Effizienzhaus Plus in Berlin
Effizienzhaus Plus
An explanation session in a Effizienzhaus Plus

The house is called an efficient house however also “plus” is in a name. The goal of this house is to show “generating more energy than consuming it through a year.” This includes the energy of one electric car. In the experiment process, a few public offered families live in each house for a year. Two families lived in this house so far.

The house generates energy by solar panels and store it in the batteries. The architect puts the panels on the west and east side walls and the top of the house. It would be more efficient if the panel is at the south wall, however, a typical family consumes energy in the morning, the afternoon, and at night, but not in the noon time. If they use energy directly, it is more efficient. The south side has a large glass window to get the sun light. The architect made outside looking more important than the panels efficiency, so he has chosen a specific color panels but lower energy efficiency (10 to 15%).

Heating is the largest energy consuming component of typical house in Germany. Therefore most of the effort of saving energy is related with heating. In this house, the triple layer glass is used for the window. The ventilation system uses a heat exchange mechanism. The heating uses a heat-pump system. Efficient LED lights are used for the illumination. The wall is made of low thermal conductivity materials, yet the material is recycle friendly. All the house system is adapted to use electric energy, then the house doesn’t have other external dependency for energy.

Triple glass window panes with low heat transfer
Triple glass window panes with low heat transfer

The result of the first year did not generate all the energy they consumed. The house could only generate the energy consumed in the house, but not for the car. But this is an experiment. The researcher monitored the energy consumption details in the house and found the two unexpected behavior. One is the low efficiency of heat transfer system. It didn’t work as in the specification from the provided company. Thus, they exchange the device. The second problem was the energy consumption of the living room. This room was connected to the staircase and the heated air just ran away from this connection. So the architect put a glass door. The result of the second year (with the second family) was successful. The house generated the energy more than the family consumed including a car electricity. The architect thought that the motion sensor was good for saving energy for lights, but the first family had a cat. and they found out this was not so efficient.

It’s interesting for me that this house just lack of “one door” despite all the high technology for saving energy. The experience is useful. Another interesting issue in the report was about the mindset of the family. The family realized they don’t need to save energy, since the house generate it. So their mind set becomes a bit more extravagance about energy. I understand this, but is it a good for society at the end? I am not sure. This could be a question for the next experience. The architect prefers the fixed window, which you cannot open them, for the energy saving point of view. But, the family reported it is important to be able to open the window manually. It is also important for a house not only for the energy, but the house is the big place where the life is going on. So the house keeps the window that you can open them manually. All these results are published as following (online).

The following is my personal memo.

My first glance of this house was, “I don’t want to live in this house. It looks like a Borg cube!” But this is based on a specific architect and he has also limitation in design. The original plan was for three years experiment for this house and the architect can only use some limited technology. There are 35 different designs of the Effizienzhaus Plus. I found some houses attractive. But I like the inside design of this house.

My impression is that the technology is matured. This house was built at 2012. At that time, the German technology of this area was

Energy generation instead of energy saving

I first said about the design. This means that it is already not the technical issue even in my mind. I felt the design was important. I felt that the technology is matured. I recall when the five color iMac showed up in 1999. For me, the most important factor of a computer is performance, memory, and functionality. I thought “iMac? Power PC 750, 266MHz, sounds nice, but isn’t the main memory too small?” However, some of my friends told about iMac, “Which color did you buy?” I was shocked. Why color? Later I looked back that time, the computer becomes commodity. The design is very important if you put it in a house instead of an office. I understand when something became common in your life, the design matters.

The same as this house, the architect chose a specific solar panes color, and he has chosen a low efficiency panel (10-15% efficiency). He had chosen the design over the efficiency, yet to aim the primary goal. For the next generation solar panels, I think they need more colors. I already heard about such research for solar panels. The technology will create the solar panels of any colors, then we will not notice that is a solar panel one day. The design will be more important than the energy efficiency. If a house with green solar panels, you could not distinguish the house and the garden from the distance.

Other natural energy generators would go to such direction. For instance, a wind turbine would look not a wind turbine. One direction would be windmills in Netherlands, that made the scenery itself. Or a wind turbine looks like a tree. There is an vertical axis wind turbines. Maybe we could make a turbine that resembles a tree which fits in a forest. The wind turbine area becomes a park mixed the silent turbines and real trees. This is one direction of this technology. One day, we have a power plats that is a natural park. I imagine that kind of the future and I see it is good.[:]


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