All posts by Minami

A message to all people in the world concerned about the fate of the people of Fukushima

The war in Ukraine reminded us in 2022 of the danger of using nuclear weapons, and the real threat of our nuclear power plants if they ever become military targets, turning them into mega-atomic bombs.

However, the Kishida government has committed itself, from August 2022, to nuclear revival with the construction of new reactors, as well as the restart of existing reactors and the extension of their operating periods. This has been included in the “Green Transformation” policy decided by the Council of Ministers on February 10th, 2023. Faced with such a forced choice, after a very short online consultation, and even before the end of a “public debate” limited to only ten cities, we feel an even stronger anger towards the government than before.

The crippled plant is still facing various problems and is far from being safely dismantled. In seven municipalities of Fukushima, there are still so-called “difficult to return to” zones –areas where people are not allowed to stay, and several tens of thousands of refugees cannot return to their homes. Barely twelve years after the accident, the government has abandoned the principles that emerged from the reflections and lessons of the disaster: reducing dependence on nuclear power generation, limiting the operation of a reactor to forty years, and separating the nuclear regulator from the entity that promotes it.

Yes, it is reasonable to publicly express our concern after the stupidity of such a choice which leads straight to the risk of a new accident. That is why we must, once again, oppose this decision with all our might.

The status of the trials is also worrying. The Supreme Court’s verdict for four civil cases in June 2022 absolved the Japanese state of legal responsibility for the accident, overturning the three appeal rulings that had recognized such responsibility.

In the criminal trial against the former TEPCO executives, the appeal judgement of January 2023 confirmed their acquittal, on the grounds of “insufficient evidence”. However, the court had refused to hear important witnesses and even to visit the accident site for verification.

As for the lawsuit filed by the Fukushima authorities to dislodge the refugees from the housing they had been granted, the court condemned the latter without taking into account the international right to housing.

In all cases, the examination of evidence and witnesses remains insufficient, making these judgements unacceptable to the victims. This is why the plaintiffs in the criminal trial have decided to appeal to the Supreme Court. For our part, we will continue to argue and request additional hearings. But these unfair judgements may be related to the move towards a nuclear revival.

As for Fukushima, there is another serious issue, since the discharge of radioactive water from the plant into the sea will begin in several months. And this is expected to last for several decades. In December 2022, we organized an international forum with citizens from the Pacific Ocean who condemned this discharge of contaminated water into the marine environment as an unacceptable violation of the human rights of the people living on the Pacific Ocean and a serious threat to the life of aquatic organisms.

This has also led to protests from countries such as South Korea and China. The crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has already released a huge amount of radioactive substances. But on top of that, the government and TEPCO will knowingly dump more contaminated water into the world’s oceans from Fukushima.

This hurts us, which is why we want this operation to be stopped at all costs. On April 13th, one year to the day after the decision to release the radioactive water into the sea, the people of Fukushima are calling for a worldwide protest action. Let us hope that this international solidarity action will be a success.

In spite of increasingly troubled times, let us continue to work with all our strength and perseverance for a bright future for coming generations.

March 2023 in Fukushima

Ruiko Muto

Chair of the Complainants for the Criminal Prosecution of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster


(Translated from Japanese by Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11)


For the translation in other languages, please visit:


March 11th.

My thoughts and prayers go to those who had lost their lives, who had lost loved ones and who had lost their homes by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster in Japan.

This year will mark the anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Do you remember the horrific pictures of the explosion at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant? Trillions of becquerels of radiation have been diffused and contaminated water has been running into the Pacific Ocean. The government doesn’t know yet what to do with increasing radioactive waste and countless bags of decontamination waste are stored in eastern Japan.

Approximately 80,000 people still live in temporary housing as their homes remain uninhabitable due to radioactive contamination. Chernobyl proved that long-term exposure to even very low levels of radiation can cause health damage. In Germany eight reactors are still in operation and the recent accidents of Belgium’s aging nuclear plants worry neighboring countries. After Fukushima, Europe is now again faced with danger.

There is no official accusation of TEPCO, who is responsible for the accident. Without learning its lesson from the Fukushima disaster, the Japanese government is eager to restart nuclear power plants and has just restarted four reactors. Many of the Fukushima evacuees will have to choose to return home as the government will lift the evacuation order in 2017. This also means the government will no longer have to pay compensation to evacuees. Instead of securing continuous fair support for the evacuees, Japan is going to pour 1.8 trillion Yen (15 billion euros) into the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games. Not only that, Japan is selling nuclear technology to India, Turkey, and Vietnam and the major Japanese manufacturers of nuclear power plants are trying to make profits outside of Japan, together with European companies.


A voice from Fukushima (Interviewed Feb. 2016)

I fled from my home and am currently living 80km away from the nuclear power plant. We are facing a huge dilemma –  we will soon be forced to move out from our temporary housing. Due to political decisions we are being forced to return home, but I’m very concerned about radioactive exposure and I’m worried about whether we can earn enough money to live on. 

It makes me angry when I hear politicians discussing sending us back home. I think they are taking radiation issues too lightly! They decontaminated the residential areas and the government announced the lifting of the evacuation order because they said that the level of radiation has gone down. But do you think anyone wants to live in a place surrounded by bags of radioactive decontamination waste?

When Tokyo was selected for the 2020 Olympic games and Japan was full of excitement about that news, I felt that something was terribly wrong. I felt that the suffering and the pain of those who were affected was totally ignored and I felt hurt by the TV coverage that acted as though the nuclear accident never happened. I try not to think about the Olympics and I don’t want to watch the news because I believe it is manipulated.


We forget easily what we can’t see. But the invisible radiation continues threatening our planet and lives. Leaving a negative legacy of unsolved nuclear waste for future generations is no longer ethically permitted. Nuclear energy and human beings cannot co-exist as Chernobyl and Fukushima testified. The energy transition in Germany is not enough to solve global issues. Until all nuclear reactors are decommissioned and uranium mining is stopped worldwide, we will be faced with danger. If you feel that nuclear energy isn’t necessary, say it out loud! Every one of us is a part of political decision-making. You might think your voice won’t be heard, but all our voices together can make a difference.

Please join us at Kazaguruma Demo on 19th March in Berlin –  “Fukushima and Chernobyl urge Nuclear Phase-Out Worldwide!”


Learn more : 100 Good Reasons against nuclear power




Zeronomikuma arrived in Berlin!  He flew all the way from Japan to join us in Kazaguruma Demo.

Despite his long flight and jet-lag, he joined our pinwheel-making&dance workshop last Saturday. We had fun making all the pinwhees which will be distributed at our Demo, we made over 600 pinwheels so far!   We thank all of those who participated in the workshop.  We are very much looking forward to meeting with you at Kazaguruma Demo on March 7th. Let us raise No Nukes pinwheels to the sky together!

Zeronomikuma is a popular Japanese mascot character who is promoting the phase-out of nuclear energy. He travels everywhere where anti-atom events take place to encourage people.  His blog (only Japanese):

「かざぐるまデモ」やります! ”フクシマを忘れないで!”  かんしょ踊りで大行進 07.03.2015

Flyer (front) 

Kazaguruma-Demo to mark the 4th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA

Sa. March 7th, 2015,  from 13:00 Uhr Brandenburger Tor

 Sayonara Nukes Berlin, Anti-Atom-Berlin and NaturFreunde will hold its third anti-nuclear public rally “Kazaguruma Demo” on March 7, 2015. Our motto will be: “Vergesst FUKUSHIMA nicht! (Remember FUKUSHIMA!)”.

We will march through the city center of Berlin holding Kazaguruma (pinwheel in Japanese) to remember the lesson learned through the Fukushima disaster and call for a nuclear-free future. 

To show our respect to the culture that the people in the Fukushima region embrace, we will dance one of their traditional folk dances “Kansho-Odori”with remix music of a popular folk song from Fukushima called “Aizu-Bandaisan” in our parade.  

Join us and dance with us!

* Kazaguruma (pinwheels) will be distributed during the opening of the demo on 07.03.

What does “Kansho-Odori” look like?  Check this out! =>






Wanted! Remix to be played at Kazaguruma Demo on 07. March 2015

Send us your cool remix to be played at the public demonstration in Berlin!

Sayonara Nukes Berlin is planning its third anti-nuclear public rally “Kazaguruma Demo” on March 7, 2015. Our motto will be: “Vegesst FUKUSHIMA nicht! (Remember FUKUSHIMA)”. We will march through the city center of Berlin to remember the lesson learned through the Fukushima disaster and call for a nuclear-free future.  To show our respect to the culture that the people in the Fukushima region embrace, we will dance one of their traditional folk dances “Kansho-Odori” in our parade.

The music that is used for the “Kansho-Odori” dance is a popular folk song from Fukushima called “Aizu-Bandaisan”.

Berlin has a leading club culture and the city is the birthplace of the “Love Parade” as well.   We would love to see this seemingly-old-fashioned folk music like “Aizu-Bandaisan” remixed and revived into a cool techno dance music and presented in the city.

Here you can listen “Aizu bandaisan Sayonara Nukes Berlin version”. (Wave file)会津磐梯山_(Aizu_Bandaisan)_.mp3(MP3 file)

We are ready to give you all the data from this version for free.

The stipulation is that the remix version should be a powerful upbeat music of max. 5 minutes to be danced with “Kansho-Odori”.

Please download the sample file below and feel free to work on it.


Audio files(90BPM,48Khz)


Wav files

MIDI files

Please use a file hosting and upload your file to a service provider such as Send the link to your file to  (Do not attach your file directly to your e-mail.).

If your remix is accepted, your music will be played by DJs at our parade.

Please note: We do ask for your contribution on a voluntary basis. No copyright fees will be paid. Your kind cooperation will be very much appreciated!

We welcome your participation with your remix music from all over the world! (You don’t have to be a resident of Berlin.)  We also welcome Berlin DJs who are interested in joining us and playing music at our Kazaguruma Demo!

Please send your music files no later than February 27th, 2015

Contact: Manami

If you would like to know more about  „Aizu Bandaisan“ und „Kansho-Odori“,  please check out links below.


in front of the Embassy of Japan in Berlin

Sayonara Nukes Berlin and Anti Atom Berlin submitted an open letter to Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on March 7th, 2014.

Through this open letter, we urge the Japanese government; 

  • to phase out nuclear power by giving up the resumption of all nuclear power plant operations as well as the construction of new nuclear power plants,
  • not to export nuclear technology to any other countries,
  • to shut down the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and the fast-breeder reactor, Monju,
  • to make efforts to increase renewable energy capacities and to increase the government investment in schemes for energy efficiency,
  • to undertake effective measures to prevent the further spread of radioactive contamination in Fukushima and the surrounding area as well as to stop outflow of contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean (including receiving international technical cooperation),
  • to provide financial assistance with relocation costs to those who want to move out from the contaminated areas, especially families with children,
  • not to promote the return of people back to the contaminated areas even though the decontamination work has been completed,
  • to strictly observe that the satisfaction of reparation is given fairly to the victims by TEPCO,
  • to intensify the support system for the victims, e.g.; to put the plan of action under the Victim Support Act immediately into effect ;  to provide the victims, especially children and clean-up workers with more frequent health check-ups as well as necessary medical treatment (including mental disorders),
  • to strengthen the government supervision in order to secure fair wages to be paid to clean-up workers at Fukushima-Daiich as well as decontamination workers and temporary workers at other nuclear power plants without exploitation,
  • to confine and manage radioactive waste produced by decommissioning of reactors at Fukushima-Daiichi in an appropriate manner according to its hazard levels,
  • to clear the bags of contaminated soil and rubble (including ash) that are temporarily left in various places and store them safely in appropriate and isolated disposal facilities,
  • to ensure transparency and accountability on nuclear issues and to exempt nuclear issues from the application of the Secret Information Protection Act.

47 prominent individuals and 20 organizations are also listed in the letter as supporters for our open letter.


(for the list of supporters, please see the attachment in Japanese page or German page.)