“#NoNukeDump” Call to Photo Posting Action
Tepco and the Japanese government have been considering dumping of contaminated water into the ocean for quite some time, under the pretext that there will soon be no more place capacity for new tanks at the site of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The Japanese government is going to make the final decision on it by the end of November 2020, without having discussed enough about alternative methods for filtering or storage of contaminated water.
This „contaminated water“ in question is nothing but liquid radioactive waste, which was in contact with meltdown debris. Even after treatment through Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) facilities, various radioactive nuclides are included in this water. It is thus fundamentally different from the tritiated water that is released from operational nuclear plants. For further information please refer to: https://storage.googleapis.com/planet4-japan-stateless/2020/10/5768c541-the-reality-of-the-fukushima-radioactive-water-crisis_en_summary.pdf
We are firmly speaking out against dumping the radioactive water into the ocean.
The oceans are an important part of our biosphere which belongs to all of us. Once it gets contaminated, the damage will remain irreversible. We should never allow it to happen! This is why we, Sayonara Nukes Berlin, would like to start a photo posting action through social network. Please join us and share your voice!
Photo Posting Steps
<Step 1> Preparing your poster Choose one of the attached posters with the slogan „Don’t dump radioactive water into the ocean!“ and print it out. On the masters ③and④ you can add your own message or illustrations. ①#NoNukeDump ②#NoNukeDump ③#NoNukeDump ④#NoNukeDump
<Step 2> Take your photo Hold your protesting message in your hands and have your photograph taken wherever you like.
<Step 3> Posting in social media Post your photo with the hashtag “#NoNukeDump” “#(your country or city) " in social media (no blank space after #)
It would be great if we could get together in this action and make it a bigger movement. If you don’t have any SNS-account or if you are not sure about the posting procedure, please send us your photo to our email address with information on your place of residence.
We would appreciate it if you would translate this text into another language, so that this call could be shared with as many people as possible. We would only like you to KEEP the text on the posters UNCHANGED, so that our collective action remains consistent. Thank you!
Send your photo to: Sayonara-nukes-berlin(at)posteo.net SNS-Accounts of Sayonara Nukes Berlin: Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/sayonara.nukes.berlin Twitter:https://twitter.com/NoNukesBerlin Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/sayonaranukesberlin
Photo album Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a. 3560774300624816&type=3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ sayonaranukesberlin/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ NoNukesBerlin/status/ 1326512277374328832?s=20
Die Erde wurde uns anvertraut. Lassen wir nicht zu, dass Profitstreben unser aller Lebensgrundlage und das Leben zukünftiger Generationen zerstört. Jahr für Jahr wird die Liste der Opfer des Atombombenabwurfs länger. Das sollte Beweis genug dafür sein, dass Verantwortung für die Menschheit trägt, wer solche Entscheidungen trifft!
Menschen aller Länder, fordert verantwortliches Handeln!