

共有経済 (Sharing economy) はモノやサービスという資源を共同で利用する形の経済活動です.ソフトウェアの共有という形で Open Source が,オークションの共有という形で eBay が,Uber のような車の共有,Airbnb や CouchSurfing のように部屋の共有などがあります.もちろん,時には行きすぎて共有の範囲を越えてしまう問題なども含みながら,それでも様々な共有経済がでてきています.

自然エネルギーも共有経済を使えないでしょうか? 私はアパート暮らしで,屋根がありません.ソーラーパネルを自分の家の屋根に置くことはできません.風力発電機を置く庭がありません.しかし,IT の力で同じことはできないでしょうか.屋根はあるが,ソーラーに投資するお金がない人と,ソーラーに投資したいが,屋根がない人をつなぐのはどうでしょうか.

実はそういう経済が始まっています.2015年 4 月にソーラーの共有をはじめたのは,Yeloha [1] というアメリカのスタートアップです.たとえば,65 ドルで1 枚のソーラーパネルを 1 年間借りることができます.発電した電気は,屋根を貸した側が買ったり,売電し,そのうちの何割かが投資者に戻る形になっています.これで投資対象になるほどのお金もうけができるかというと,それははっきりしないのですが,自然エネルギーの発展を望む市民が少しだけ投資することに参加できるようになります.そしてそれは自然エネルギーの発展に寄与できます.Yeloha では,屋根を貸す側の地理的条件や,建物などを判断して年間どれだけの電気が作れるかなどを評価するソフトウェアを開発しているようです[2].




  1. Yeloha, http://www.yeloha.com/
  2. Lauren J. Young, Startup Profile: Yeloha Brings Solar Into the
    Sharing Economy,
    IEEE Spectrum, Nov. 2015

[:en]What can we (citizens) do to promote green energy? I sometimes think about this. There are of course many ways. Today I will introduce one of the methods using sharing economy.

The sharing economy is a type of economy that people share the goods and services. People share: code for open source, auction places with eBay, cars with Uber, rooms with Airbnb and CouchSurfing, and so on. Sometimes it is over the range of sharing and cause troubles, but, this sharing economy is popular these days.

Can we use the idea of sharing economy for green energy? I live in an apartment. I don’t have a roof for solar panels. I don’t have a garden to put a small wind turbine. However, now we have the Internet. Can someone connect between who has a roof and who wants to invest solar panels?

Yeloha [1] is an U.S. start-up company for solar sharing network, founded April 2015. For example, anyone can borrow one solar panel per year for US $64. The generated electricity will be sold to the market and some percentage will be return to the investors. Was it a good investment? Well, it is not sure as the usual investment. However, I would like to invest the future of the green energy as a citizen and definitely this helps green energy industry. Yeloha has developed a special software, that can estimate how much electricity can be generated in a year depends on the location and the building[2].

I like this idea and business. I hope the similar sharing with wind turbine, bio-gas, and other green energies. I am looking forward to
seeing this kind of activity or company in Japan and Germany, too.

Today (2016-1-23(Sat)), we see the oil price is low. Some people think that “this is good, we can use oil.” But now is the time to invest to green energy since we can use lower price energy today to prepare for our future. The green energy is local and distributed, so its price can be stable and not global like the oil price. I believe oil price will raise one day, I don’t know when, but, I believe it definitely will. To prepare that day, I would like to invest to green energy now.


  1.  Yeloha, http://www.yeloha.com/
  2. Lauren J. Young, Startup Profile: Yeloha Brings Solar Into the
    Sharing Economy,
    IEEE Spectrum, Nov. 2015



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